IT Security for Business
There is nothing more valuable or important in your business than the data that sits within it – so excellent cyber security is a must. You also have legal obligations to maintain, manage and secure that data.
Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials ensures you have basic security measures, so you’re protected from the most common cyber attacks…
If your data is spread across a wide array of IT environments, your business could be subject to the requirements of GDPR…
Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security
Equip your team with the knowledge and inspiration to transform your business through the power of technology…
Success Stories:
The shared letting agency struggled to communicate effectively on the move. Lets2Share also wanted an effective technology solution to create a new modern work-space, where staff could utilise the latest technology to boost efficiency.
With Astec’s help, they achieved complete flexible working, reducing travelling time and expenses significantly. Productivity also sky-rocketed with Office 365 training.